Sound Works


Sound Works (selected)


Audio Storytelling & Journalism

Listen to the 4 episodes of WORTHY: Colorado Reentry Stories here on Soundcloud.

WORTHY: COLORADO REENTRY STORIES profiles Coloradans who found their way into prison and then navigated their way back out, and it offers a look at some of the reentry service organizations that supported those people on their journey.

Each episode is 30-40 minutes long, and each examines the complex pathways of reentry and parole in our state.

WORTHY is rooted in the stories of people who've succeeded against the odds. You'll hear about hitchhiking cross-country at the age of 13... losing a grandparent and falling into addiction... a surprise commutation from the governor that abruptly ended a life sentence... experiencing the anxieties of grocery shopping after leaving prison... a pivotal, impromptu speech on the state Capitol steps... and much more. WORTHY includes:

  • Worthy Story 1: Systems of Support, highlighting Remerg, CCJRC, Denver County's RISE Program, and Thrive Colorado.

  • Worthy Story 2: Reentry & Realness, highlighting The Realness Project, Breakthrough, and Work Options.

  • Worthy Story 3: Minding the Gaps, highlighting the CDOC Division of Adult Parole Transitional Services Unit / RESTORE Program, the Department of Public Safety's Division of Community Corrections, and Hazelbrook Sober Living Community.

  • Worthy Story 4: Never Going Back, highlighting the Second Chance Center.

This series is supported in part by the Solutions Journalism Network 2022 LEDE Fellowship. It's produced by Ryan Conarro, JoyBelle Phelan, and Seth Ready.

CORNERSTONE STORIES AT ATLANTIC TERMINAL HOUSES is a 10-installation audio walk in Brooklyn, New York, inviting visitors to experience the grounds of New York City Housing Authority's Atlantic Terminal Houses, as well as the larger neighborhood of Fort Greene, through the histories and memories of three residents who've lived here since the very beginning of the complex in 1976: Thealma Fraser, Marie Livingston, and Jesse Westry. The Atlantic Terminal Tenants Association dubs these residents "cornerstones" - foundations of the building and the community.

Visit the full Cornerstone Stories experience here.

This audio walk premiered in summer 2020 by Ryan Conarro and Celeste Staton. Celeste is an Atlantic Terminal resident and narrates the walk. Ryan edited and produced the project. Music is by DJ and producer Johnny Famous, an Atlantic Terminal resident.

This project was supported by New York’s Performance Project at University Settlement Artist in Residence Program; Atlantic Terminal Tenants' Association; and Atlantic Terminal Community Center. CORNERSTONE STORIES was made in partnership with Brooklyn's Future Historical Society, of which Celeste and Ryan are both founding members.

Juneau Voices | Eleven place-based audio installations, accessible via QR codes on signs in downtown Juneau, commissioned by the City & Borough of Juneau, Alaska (CBJ). The sequence creates an audio walk experience with Juneau citizens who share community histories through first-person stories and memories. CBJ installed the signs in Fall 2020.

Visit the full Juneau Voices experience here.

Project leads: Ryan Conarro & Lillian Petershoare (Tlingit) | Creative director and producer: Ryan Conarro | Cultural advisor: Lillian Petershoare | Sound designers: Ryan Conarro and Mike Sakarias | Music: George Kuhar and X’unei Lance Twitchell (Tlingit) | Narrators: David Katzeek (Tlingit) and Erin Tripp (Tlingit)

When the Salmon Spoke | A digital documentary production of community stories from Tlingit, Haida, and Tahltan people of Wrangell, Alaska and Tahltan Territory, British Columbia. This 2-minute sonic montage (produced by Ryan, from community interviews he conducted) accompanies video imagery of the Stikine River watershed. (For more on the full production of When the Salmon Spoke, please visit the Video Works section, and the Community & Documentary page.)

Project leads: Ryan Conarro, Tis Peterman (Tlingit/Tahltan), Annita McPhee (Tahltan/Tlingit), Kirby Muldoe (Gitxsan/Tsimsian), and Heather Hardcastle | Creative director & producer: Ryan Conarro | Sound designers and editors: Ryan Conarro & Mike Sakarias | Video editors: Ryan Conarro & Dan Mesec

Brooklyn’s Future Historical Society: Place-based sound installation, Lafayette Ave Church | A place-based sound installation that’s part of Future Historical Society’s series of sonic encounters with neighborhood landmarks in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. 2019.

Ryan and collaborator Celeste Staton created this audio installation through a series of story circles and interviews with the Lafayette Avenue Church community. Ryan edited and produced the piece. (For more on the work of the Future Historical Society, please visit the Community & Documentary section of this site.)

KNOM Profiles: Shishmaref Relocation Vote, Pts 1 & 2 | Ryan served as Public Affairs Director at KNOM Radio in Nome, Alaska, where he programmed and produced the daily feature KNOM Profiles. In this special Profiles 2-part series, Ryan brought Alaska listeners on a close-up visit to the Inupiaq village of Shishmaref, as the community voted to determine whether or not to relocate its community due to climate change-related erosion on the Chukchi Sea shore. 2002.

KNOM Profiles: Zombies in Nome | Ryan served as Public Affairs Director at KNOM Radio in Nome, Alaska, where he programmed and produced the daily feature KNOM Profiles. This episode of Profiles is a comedic excursion to the Nome-Beltz High School cafeteria. This audio piece was the recipient of an Alaska Broadcasters Association Goldie Award for Best Comedy Feature. 2002.

Independent Native News: Shishmaref Relocation Vote | During his time as Public Affairs Director at KNOM Radio in Nome, Alaska, Ryan contributed this news story to the national network Independent Native News, outlining Shishmaref, Alaska’s vote to relocate its community due to climate change-related erosion. 2002.

Abu Dhabi: Community Ruminations on Borders | Ryan was a Resident Artist with Theater Mitu, where he was a co-interviewer, co-writer, and performer in the company’s internationally touring production “Juarez: A Documentary Mythology,” a play examining the US-Mexico border. Ryan also served as Audience Engagement Lead, for which he conceived and produced a series of audio Ruminations on Borders in which audience members were invited to share their own stories of border identity and border crossings. This recording was made in Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2014. (For more on Juarez: A Documentary Mythology, please visit the Performance Works section of this site. To listen to the full series of Ruminations on Borders, please visit Theater Mitu’s SoundCloud.)

From ALAXSXA | ALASKA: Yaayuk Alvanna-Stimpfle | The interdisciplinary theater production ALAXSXA | ALASKA (directed by Ping Chong and Ryan Conarro) included sound installations from interviews about cross-cultural encounter from across the state. This audio piece, produced by Ryan, is excerpted from an interview in Nome with Yaayuk Alvanna-Stimpfle. 2017. (For more on the full production of ALAXSXA | ALASKA, please visit the Performance Works page.)

Sound Installations & Designs

Three soundscapes produced & designed by Ryan Conarro for his 2014 original performance work this hour forward, exploring love found and lost; faith; and the national gay marriage debate. (Please visit the Performance Works page for more on this hour forward and other productions.)